Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Root Of All Evil!

Money?.Well thats what we have been taught for ages.

"The Root Of All Evil is Money."

But if you analyze properly money is just a tool to acheive evil deeds. I say that the above term should be changed to:

"The Root Of All Evil is BAD PARENTING"

We are all Integers!. When we are born we are zero. As a baby we know nothing!. Who teaches us first?. Our dear Papa and Mama.

Its the basic foundation taught by a parent that decides whether the baby goes to the positive side or negative side.

Parents should be very careful in rising a baby. Good parenting is as tough as running a multi national company. It involves patience,care,managing and psychology.

Lets talk about a boy named Pepe. From the age 0 till the age 18, Pepe is under the parents control. Parents decide whats right and wrong for Pepe. He learns everything from his parents till the age 5. Here everything means manners,small decision making,good habits and some basic communication abilities.
Then Pepe goes to school and learns about the world from teachers in the form of maths and science. The Teachers describe the world to Pepe.
At the age 13 Pepe starts giving more importance to friends and starts learning from friends. Friends dont teach Pepe. They take out to try out new stuffs together!.
Some go to libraries and signup for new community activities. While some go out to try out stuffs like cigarettes,weeds and gangfights!.

Pepe should know which which group of friends to hangout with. Because both groups play a great role in Pepe's character development, career and his Future!!!.
So Pepe should decide which group to be in. If the parents guided him properly in the decision making he will choose the good gang. If the parents missed that part, then Pepe will
 be more influenced by the bad gang.

Going to the negative side is the main reason for thefts,murders and cheats.

See the terrorists camps. They separate young kids from parents and train them to be killing machines. According to these kids their parents are the Terrorists Leaders and trainers. They know only what they had been taught!. And they are so well trained and loyal to the principles taught that they are ready to act as suicide bombers and press the button which they very well know that it will blow them off into pieces.

This is negative parenting!.

Likewise if every parent takes pain in analyzing the bringing up of a baby in a positive way, There will be more innovative and positive people making the world a better and the best place to live in!.

Bringing up kids is not fun or a human tradition. Its a very tough work. The most important work after Agriculture(Growing foods) is Good Parenting(Growing positive persons).

A small kid observes everything around him. So a parent must be very careful as the kid is always around a parent watching and observing. Every single harsh action of a parent will have a strong imprint of a child's mind!.

Every kid should have a great understanding of emotion control,desicion making and tackling personal problems before entering into the teenage. The teenage is the most important and thrilling part of the life as that age decides the Rise or the fall of an individual!.