Saturday, December 13, 2008

Being fit, You Survive!. Being Smart, You Luxuriate!

If your a big fan and follower of Charles Darwin's famous statement "Survival of the Fittest", Iam sorry to tell you that this is not at all enough to live in the current fast paced World.

Competition is increasing in geometric progression in almost all the fields. One must train himself very tough with lot of skills in order to survive in his or her field. And now the High Inflation gives sign of a major finanacial destruction. Many top brass ecomomist and Business people have predicted this financial destruction to happen within 2020. So surviving is just not enough!. You have one life, and you have the power to make it happen to what you want it to be like!.

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
- Abraham Lincoln

The moral of the above quote is : Plan your Work & Work your Plan.

So before you plan your life, you should know about life and how to plan it, So the best way is to get knowledge from professionals. And these professionals have put their knowledge in the form of books. Iam going to list some books below which will definetely make the reader the happiest man ever if he follows them.

An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life:

Who Moved My Cheese? is a short story that teaches us to live in this changing world. This is a must read!. There are other sequels of this book by the author. Read this first and then go for the sequels. Sequels are not that important though.

Success is from the Inside:

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. A catchy title and the best deal you could have ever made in your life. This is also a story. Actually a conversation between two persons. One is a Rich lawyer who became a monk. The other is a normal man whom we encounter everyday, everywhere.
This book!. Its an Art!. Which teaches us the meaning of life,self,soul,happiness,destiny.etc. A Must Read!. With simple language.
If you follow the principles in this book I gurantee you that you will have a healthy mind, body and the most loved man or woman or boy or girl, whatever your age is!

The World is Running on Money:

There are a lot of critics on money. Its the root of all evil, its not needed, only greedy people want money. Well no matter what people say about money, It is the king of this world. We cannot do anything without money. Everyone needs money. Google needs money to run I need money to have a internet connection and blog!.
The whole world is running on money. Student studies complicated courses so that he ends up with a high paying job in his favorite field. Workers wakeup everyday morning running for jobs because they need money.

Money is not Everything in life. But it is a tool to acheive many things in life.

So we must be financially educated. That is we should know what money is and all the other terms like banking,debit,credit,deposits,investment,economy,government.etc. For that I have a wonderful recommendation:

Rich Dad Poor Dad. A beautiful book that explains the meaning of money and how Rich get richer and richer. Explained in very simple terms rather than complicated financial books. This is a must read. These are just the basics. The author has many sequels and each one of them are a must read!. This book will surely change your attitude towards money and be a Money-Magnet!.

And get to know a lot about investing and other financial related topics.

External Links:

These books and references will surely make you smarter and plan out a better financially, healthy, peaceful life!

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